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Theory one

 The Obvious Facts

This whole plot that Tupac was in was to fake his death in order to get money. It was simple as that. On the night of September 13th, 1996, Suge Knight, who is also in this plot and Pac's look-alike drove to the Tyson fight, where Pac's look-alike was shot.
Pac wanted to make changes. He showed this when weeks before his faked death, he held rallies to get inorities to vote. Also in his last interview, Pac talked of having a political party. However, none of these things could be done without what??? You guessed it: MONEY!! Once Pac was believed to be dead, his cd's would be getting more and more expensive, so more and more people who buy them. Think of all the money he would have made already! All the evidence that I am about to show you concludes, if you analyze it, that Pac really isn't dead. He is in hiding for seven years, getting all the money he can in order to form a political party, and living in luxury without the disturbance of the outside world. Living in luxury until 2003..
There are four theories that I figured out of why Pac's not dead.
WHY HE'S NOT DEAD: All the evidence that were suspicious.
HIS OWN HINTS: The hints about his "ultimate plan" Tupac gives in his songs and movies
THE SEVEN DAY THEORY: The suspicious amount of sevens occuring on Tupac's life.
THE AUTOPSY THEORYWhy The Autopsy picture of 2pac is a fake.

The new issue of XXL has a section with "Cleo", a tarrot card reader you might have seen on TV. It said she was a closet hip hop fan & they asked her questions about the upcoming year in hip hop. She said that Eminem would get into more trouble, Puffy and Jennifer Lopez will break up and then they asked her if Tupac was dead she said "no he is alive and well and he is living in the Bahamas".
I don't know if this is true, but in an interview with Eminem in UK or some other country, when asked what he thougth of Tupac's Death, Eminem smiled and said: "Tupac aint' dead, Tupac ain't dead."
When the FBI investigated Tupac's murder and they asked his mother (Afeni Shakur) for a death certificate and she didn't have it and never got one. They also asked the hospital where Tupac "died" and they also didn't have one. (This was reported by radiostation WQHT 97.1 FM in New York
There are rumours spreaded by a radiostation that over 500 people sited Tupac in Cuba.
Big Syke of Thug Life (a.k.a. Mussolini of The Outlawz) was once interviewed on a radio station to promote his solo album. The interview was taken after Tupac's death and the interviewer asked Big Syke where Tupac was. Big Syke replied calmly and just said: " Don't worry Tupac's still here, he didn't go nowhere!"
Much Thanks to Saf ( for da 3 hints below
Heres what the Las Vegas Sun Reported:
Shakur and Marion "Suge" Knight--head of Shakur's Death Row Records label--were heading to a nightclub after the Mike Tyson bout, when a white Cadillac approached their ten-car convoy. The car pulled next to Knight's black BMW and a passenger riddled the BMW with bullets, hitting Shakur several times, including twice in the chest. Knight, 31, was grazed in the head but only suffered minor injuries
However, Here's a picture where you can see clearly that the car is blue! So what really happened... hmm...
View Picture
And also in abook by CATHY SCOT (the book is called- the killing of Tupac Shakur) who is a writer for the las vegas sun, says that all the four tires of the BMW were flat from hitting the Paths and central reservation while trying to get Tupac to the Hospital. However, the photo with that article shows that they are not flat!
Also, Cathy Scott, in her book said that a chunk of Tupac's ring was blown off by the shooting, while in an interview with Tupac's good friend, the friend said that a chunk of Tupac's finger was blown off.
So did Cathy Scott really see Tupac's autopsy or not!?! hmmmm....
There are rumours that there is an underground Tupac mixtape that is going around in Detroit, Michigan. It contains several unreleased songz and songz from the upcoming Outlawz & One Nation album. Also on the tape are some Tupac interviews where he says he planned the whole murder and his "death". It is called "The Tupac Suspicion". Remember that these are only rumours, nobody has confirmed this yet
I recently found another hint in the July 1998 issue of "The Source" magazine. In the magazine, there is an interview with Tupac's close friend. Here is part of the interview:
(The Source):So you were good friends with Pac?
I was very close to Pac and his family. I went in there and oh... [ she fans her eyes trying not to cry ]. I hate even thinking about it, girl. It was something else. [pauses] His head was as big as a watermelon. I hate thinking about that. Everytime I hear his music, I always think, "damn Pac, damn." God, that was something else, girl. I was in there asking him, "Pac can you hear me?" I was looking up under the covers. Me and Pac were close. So I was looking up under the covers and I asked what happened to his finger, 'cause one of his fingers, his middle finger was shot off. I was like, "Pac can you hear me?" He shook his head.
Did he?
Yes. I said you know I love you, right. And he shook his head. I started crying and praying over him. I was crying my heart out. His eyes were closed. And the guard said, "you gotta leave, Pac has to get his rest." And Pac was like, "uhm, uhm...uhm, uhm." And I was like, "he don't want me to leave. He don't want me to go." And then Pac opened his eyes. I swear to God, he opened his eyes. At first I could only see the white part of his eyes. Then he looked at me. And he was like, "uhm, uhm, uhm." And I couldn't understand. And I was like, "look he don't want us to go." And I swear to God he was trying to tell me something. We stayed twenty more minutes, then they made us go.
The next day, I went to go see him and I told his mom that I was leaving because I knew he was gonna be all right. I got home and his sister called my cellphone and the phone kept hanging up. I called up to the hospital and they wouldn't let me speak to nobody. I was like, "Is Pac dead? Did he die?" Girl, I was going crazy. They told me Pac died in the room by himself. Everytime I think about it, I think he was trying to tell me something.
In this interview, you hear 2Pac's friend saying somewhere "I knew he was gonna be alright." After this statement, you would think that she is right, because she knew 2Pac so well and she visited him in person in the hospital! However, howcome 2Pac was pronounced dead then?!? Isn't there something weird in this? And also, howcome the hospital didn't let her talk to anyone when 2Pac's friend called the hospital!?
The answer is obvious! It's all in 2Pac's plan to fake his death. The hospital was part of this conspiracy so it didn't let 2Pac's friend talk to anyone in case she finds out about anything.
In a book called "A Statue of Limitations," by law, if a man faked his death for 7 years, he CANNOT be convicted by the law. (faking your death is illegal). The book also says that by right, if there were 2 or more attempts on your life (actual physical ones), then you can change your identity or fake your death to sway your attackers.
Someone told me that in the music video for "Changes," Tupac is wearing the 1999 Jordan shoes. How can he be wearing shoes that were made 3 years after his death?
After leaving the Tyson fight on Saturday September 7, 1996 Tupac was alledgedly shot 5 times. He lived through the shooting and was taken to a nearby hospital. He was pronounced dead on Friday September 13, 1996.
There are no suspects for the shooting.
There were never any pictures released of Tupac in the hospital.
In most of his songs he talks about being buried, so why was he allegedly cremated the day after he "died"? And since when do they cremate someone the day after death without an autopsy? Furthermore, it is illegal to bury someone who has been murdered without an autopsy.
Tupac always wore a bulletproof vest, no matter where he went. Why didn't he wear it to a very public event like a Tyson fight? (Because he wanted to make it seem like he could be shot.) The driver of the car in which Tupac was riding, Suge Knight (the executive producer of Death Row Records), didn't show up for questioning about the shooting.
Friday the 13th is a very suspicious day.
Tupac officially died at 4:03 PM. 4+3 = 7 Also he "died" at an age of 25 years. 2+5 = 7 It seems as if seven is Tupac's number. Tupac was gunned down exactly seven months after All Eyez on Me was released.
Pac's All Eyes on Me, came out in Febuary, Makaveli's 7 day Theory came out in November. Thats 9 months. Like a pregnacy and then giving birth. Pac was reborn as Makaveli.
In the song "Life Goes On", Tupac raps about his own funeral.
A shooting involving Snoop Doggy Dogg occured close to the release of his album Doggystyle. The shooting made Snoop appear more "real" and showed his fans that he really was a gangsta. The shooting gave him respect because everyone that bought his album believed what he was talking about. Within one week of its release, Doggystyle went platnium. Snoop is signed to the same label as Tupac which is Death Row Records. In December '96, Tupac's new album went platinum.
In interviews prior to the shooting, Tupac talked about how he wanted to stop rapping and being a gangsta and get out of the limelight. What is the only way Tupac could completly escape the media spotlight ??? (Answer: if the public thought he was dead.)
Press wasn't going to be allowed at the funeral, but then the funeral was cancelled for unknown reasons.
The second video to be released by the name Makaveli is "To Live and Die in L.A." But how could they shoot the second video when he is "dead". Do you really think the video was shot back in August of '96? Think about it.
In the video "Hail Mary" released under the name Makaveli, there is a gravestone that says Makaveli. But the gravestone is cracked and there is a hole right in front of it, inferring that Makaveli rose from the dead.
The new Tupac album released on Nov. 5, and was originally supposed to be an EP of 6 songs, but was then extended to a full length album of 12 songs.
Tupac's alias is Makaveli. Though the spelling is different, Machiavelli was a 16th century italian philosopher who advocated the staging of one's death in order to evade one's enemies and gain power.
The video "I ain't Mad at Cha" was released only a few days after his death. "I ain't Mad at Cha" is track 13 on the album All Eyes On Me. The video shows Tupac as an angel in heaven. In the video, Tupac was shot after leaving a theater with a friend, which is very similar to how he was shot in real life. Interestingly, Tupac dies in his last video released under the name "Tupac". His new video "Toss It Up" from the new album was released under the name "Makaveli".
In Machiavelli's book Discourses Upon the First Ten Books of Titus Livy, in Book 2 Chapter XIII he says "a prince who wishes to achieve great things must learn to deceive". This is Machiavelli's main idea and is the connection between Tupac and the writings of Machiavelli.
The title of the new album by Makaveli (Tupac) is The 7 Day Theory. He was shot on September 7th; and survived on the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and"died" the 13th. Hence the title The 7 Day Theory.
There is nothing in the new album that says TUPAC RIP 1971-1996. Wouldn't it make sense to include something like that in the first album after his "death"? The only thing mentioned is "EXIT TUPAC ENTER MAKAVELI".
The executive producer of The 7 Day Theory , as listed in the CD booklet of the album, is Simon (who is a previously unknown producer in the rap music industry). In the bible, Simon was an apostle of Jesus. Simon was one of the first witnesses of the Resurrection listed by Saint Paul (I Cor. 15: 5). Could Simon be areference to Suge Knight(the executive producer of Death Row records)? Simon was renamed "Peter, the rock" (John 1:42).
In Richie Rich's album Seasoned Veteran, which was released on the same day as The 7 Day Theory, on the song "Niggas Done Changed" which is a duet with Tupac, Tupac says the following lyrics: "I've been shot and murdered, can't tell you how it happened word for word / but best believe that niggas' gonna get what they deserve." This phrase implies that Tupac knows he will be dead when Richie Rich's album is released.
In Tupac's song "Life of an Outlaw" on the album The 7 Day Theory, he says "All for the street fame on how to be managed, to plan shit, 6 months in advance to what we plotted, approved to go on swole and now I got it"-Life Of An Outlaw. This implies that Tupac planned his "death" in advance and now he is enjoying thesuccess of his plan.
In Tupac's song "Made Niggaz" from the Supercop Soundtrack, he says "Fuck 'em all who don't understand my plot to get richer... Outlaw to the grave, a muthafuckin' made nigga I got a plan to get richer. Take my picture." Once again he mentions his "plan" to get rich.
In Tupac's song "Ain't Hard 2 Find" on the album All Eyes On Me, he says "I heard rumors I died, murdered in cold blood, tramatized pictures of me in my final states, you know momma cryed, but that was fiction, some coward got the story twisted." It seems as if Tupac foretold the future.

Scarface's song "Smile", which is a duet with Tupac, was supposedly recorded in September of '96, before Tupac was "shot". But the video for the song was released in May of '97 and the video depicts Tupac rapping while he appears to be crucified. At the end of the video, Tupac falls off the cross and stands up...which is another image of resurection. Towards the end of the video, it becomes slightly apparent that Tupac is actually portrayed by a look-alike. I still wonder, if he is really dead, then why do they keep making everyone so suspicious???
In the video for "I Wonder if Heaven Got a Ghetto" the town it takes place in is called Rukahs. "Rukahs" spelled backwards is "Shakur". The room he goes into with the girl is room number 7. The clock in the background at the end is at 4:03...the same time he officially died. More funny stuff from the video producers. My question still remains, why?
In Tupac's song "No More Pain" on the album All Eyes On Me, he says "A heart of a soldier with the brains to teach a whole nation." Could this be a reference to Machievelli or Jesus? On the cover of The 7 Day Theory, there is a picture of Tupac being crucified. This fits with the idea that Tupac "died" so he could be reincarnated as Makaveli. In the picture, there are five bullet holes. Interestingly, Tupac was "shot" 5 times.
The only witness to the shooting, Yafeu Fula, was found shot to death on Nov. 10th in a hallway of an apartment building in East Orange, NJ. no one will get any info out of him. (for more info on his death..)
After the shooting of Notorious B.I.G. on March 9th, 1997 Lieutenant Wayne Petersen of the the homicide division of the Las Vegas Police Department who has been inv est igating Shakur's alleged killing said, "Before yesterday, I had never even heard of the Notorious B.I.G. There is no link between the two murders. We think the only connection is in the minds of the media. The media wants to connect the two." If you asked anyone who knows anything about the Tupac case, they would say something about the rivalry between Biggie and Tupac. How will the Las Vegas police ever solve the case if they don't know the basics? The answer is that they won't. C'mon guys, that is pretty pathetic.

According to numerous sources, in the first three seconds of The 7 Day Theory, the words "Suge shot me" are spoken very softly. It must mean something.
On the song "Thug Luv" which is a duet with Tupac on Bone Thugs-N-Harmony's double CD Art Of War after Tupac says "whuz poppin' nigga", Bizzy Bone can be heard saying "He's Alive He's Alive He's Alive" in the background.
During an interview, an ABC correspondent asked Suge Knight, "If you knew who killed Tupac, would you tell the police?". Suge answered, "Absolutely not."
On November 25, 1997 a new 2 Pac album was released on Jive Records called R U Still Down. It was released under the name "2 Pac" not "Makaveli". This implies many things...does this mean that "2 pac" is back?
The death certificate say Pac is 6ft, and weighs 215. I don't think so. And nobody puts 50 lbs of blood in someone. I bet Pac had this photo made so he can slow down the alive rumors, cuz at first there wasn't one done, then everyone start saying he is alive and now we have an autopsy. hmmmmmm
"Political Party"
I believe Pac will return in 2003, right in time for the election campaign for 2004. Also did you notice that Jesse jac kson and Al Sharpton were both at the hospital, when Pac supposely was shot. Jesse got experience with politics and so does Al. They can help pac out, and find a candidate for his party.(Pac can't run, he won't be 35 and he is a convicted felon).
The white Cadillac containing the gunmen p asses an entourage of 2Pac's boys, many of them body guards... No one gives chase and there are no witnesses... Why not, especially right after a heavyweight fight?
Makaveli wrote two books before his death. All Eyez on Me disks are called Book 1, Book 2.
The memorial services that were open to the public were canceled in both Los Angeles and Atlanta.
"I disappeared in the crowd, all you seen were troops." This could be a message to his enemies, to be on the lookout. Pac disappeared the night on Sept 7, 1996. And all that we saw were troops(cops).
"Gunshots to Tut, now you stuck."
I don't think King Tut got the message. Walter "King Tut" Johnson was killed in January of 97 outside a resturaunt, victim of gunshots. He was one of the three men(the other two was Hatian Jack aka Jacques Agnant, and Jimmy Henchmen) who shot Pac in 1994 and robbed him. Later on in the hospital Tut called Pac and asked what he was still doing alive and said they would finishg the job. This is why Pac left the hospital so fast.
Did you catch it? On about April 25th 2001, on the Hispanic channel on TV called "Univision" reported that Afeni Shakur was sending cheques to Jamaica, for Lesane Crooks...
Do you know who Lesane Crooks is?? Yup, it's TUPAC!!
This is another reason supporting that Tupac is in Jamaica.

There have recently been people emailing me about Tupac sitings in California clubs. The owner of a recently opened club told me that he saw Tupac visiting!

Somebody recently emailed me and said that 2Pac told a German magazine that he was going to disappear and resurrect. He said that he was still going to produce albums, and after talking about an album called "Still I Rise," he left. Two weeks later, Tupac was shot in Las Vegas and the interview mysteriously disappeared. But the person who told me about this said that he found this interview in the city of Dusseldorf in Germany.

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