Black Widow Details |
General Information
This ship is the only Frigate class designed for handling large ships. This gives the Black Widow an advantage in combat. Many fleets which consists of large amounts of heavy ships will concentrate on killing Corvette and Destroyer class ships. This can be fatal when faced with a Black Widow. The ship is very loosely based on the War Frigate schematics. The internal structure and bridge is mostly the same, but the outer hull and weaponry system has been redesigned from scratch. The ship is heavily shielded against radiation from the EMP emitters to protect the crew from harm.
Weapons Details |
The Ship is capable of creating a concentrated EMP beam with an average power of 5.6 Giga Tesla +/- 0.1 Tesla. Thanks to this its the only EMP ship capable of immobilizing Battleship and Cruiser class. The weapons are powered by a standard Halden fusion reactor. Recharging the weapons take a lot of time, mostly becaus of the instability that can occur if the EMP power-crystals are charged too fast. Unlike the other EMP ships the EMP cells are inside the ship and the burst is fired from the 4 coils. all firing at once to make sure the EMP is pwerful enough to disable enemy ships.
Defence Details |
Crew Details |
This ships only needs 2 people as a crew, and more than 3 is generally not recommended. However, a minimum rank of major on all crewmembers is required. This is mostly due to most functions being automated.
Notes |
Not a very popular ship to pilot, most of the tasks performed by the crew are maintenance operations. It is however a valuable addition to any fleet, being the most efficient ship in the known universe at disabling the bigger ships, although not permanently of course.
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