Dreadnaught Details |
Origin |
This is the biggest ship in the known universe, bigger than the Spectre. It is a piece of art engineer wise. It sports 80 high speed cannons capable of taking down a lot of ships. This ship is superior to its lesser cousin the Spectrer due to its superior EMP resistance. Taking down a Dreadnaught is almost impossible. The best ship in the known universe.
Weapons Details |
This ship is equipped with 80 Meson Cannons. They are not the same model as the PDS Meson Cannon. A less durable but significantly cheaper tri-metal alloy is used. This is not a problem however, since the cannons retract into the hull when not used. The cannons are powered by its own redundacy array of Fusion reactors. These again power up the Super String maniupulation chambers, which outputs Mesons for use in the cannons.
Defence Details |
Very good armor and shielding, almost up to par with the Star Cruiser. The hull is composed of a tetra-metal alloy capable of repairing itself with local particle teleportation. If a hull breach occurs armor is teleported into its place almost instantly. The ship will only be destroyed when armor all over the hull has reached a critical level. EMP resistance is very good on this ship. It is the ship in the universe with the best EMP resistance. This is mostly thanks to a special grounded hull and heavily shielded ship systems. Most systems have 3 backup systems, the chance for an EMP surge to hit a vital system that will disable the ship for an extended period of time is estimated to be only 10%.
Crew Details |
This ship needs a large crew to function, especially in battle. Minimum requiremnt is the rank of admiral to command the ship. Other than this a large amount of crew is needed in engineering, weapons, and maintenance.
Notes |
Despite being the flagships in a fleet it is not a very popular ship to serve on. The ship is slow the living quarters are rather cramped, something that has given it several not so nice nick names. It must however be oted that it is a formidable ship capable of large amounts of destruction. It outperforms the War Frigate in all areas.
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