War Frigate Details |
Origin |
A cheap reliable and good all round ship which performs best against Fighter and Corvette class ships. This ship was designed as an all rounder, it is pretty agile, sufficiently armored, well enough protected against EMP attacks. Being a frigate class its designed to face Star Cruisers and Tarantulas. Its not as efficient as the larger Dreadnaughts and Spectres, but thanks to its shorter travel time it makes up for a lot of the gap.
Weapons Details |
Armed with the same gun system as the Dreadnaught and Spectre, a smaller version of the Hyperon turret it can track high speed ships in the Fighter and Corvette class. 5 cannons with twice the power of an interceptor lasers gives it the upper hand when facing interceptors.
Defence Details |
The ship is well armored, with a quad layered metal alloy reinforced with crystal. Unline the bigger ships it does not sport adaptive armor, and has to rely on forcefields to compensate for hull breeches. The ship and the gun systems do not require much power, force fields can therefor compensate for multiple hull breeches.
Crew Details |
The ship relies a lot on manual operation and therefor needs an experienced and large crew for a frigate class ship. At least 2 major ranked officers are needed to command this ship. Other than that and extensive targetting and gunning crew is needed, preferably lieutenant ranked crew is needed for the ship to operate at peak performance. Because of its rather mediocre weapons system, peak performance is a minimum requirement, making this ship a stressful workplace. The ship is not that well protected against EMP, but it is luckily not targetted by any EMP ships as first priority.
Notes |
This ship is cheap and fast and often a core ship in many fleets due to the fact that it generally performs well against any class of ship.
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